
 Hard Working Vermont Beekeepers Recognized
at the Vermont Beekeepers Association 2024 Summer Meeting

It’s always a joy to highlight the efforts of those beekeepers who reach out to help beekeepers and beekeeping in so many ways. This year, several individuals were recognized.

Outstanding Efforts on Beekeeper Education

Allan and Janet McKenzie, Franklin County Beekeepers Club (FCBC) were recognized for their longstanding help to so many beekeepers gaining beekeeping skills over the years. They have stepped up to help their local club many times whenever help was needed.

Recognition Committee member, Anne Bowers, left, presenting the traditional hive tool to Janet and Allan McKenzie for their Outstanding Efforts on Beekeeper Education.

Mission Superhero

Andrew Munkres, VBA – Andrew gave powerful science and fact based testimony to the Vermont Agricultural Innovation Board and House and Senate committees about the impacts of neonics on pollinators especially honey bees. His testimony helped the VBA become one of the most trusted sources of factual beekeeping information according to a survey of Vermont voters conducted by the Vermont Public Interest Research Group. Andrew was the VBA point person on the Vermont Pollinator Working Group.

Recognition Committee members Peggy Apple-Woods and Anne Bowers with Andrew MunkresHe also wrote several grant applications that have allowed the VBA to develop a Vermont Honey promotion campaign and take the first steps toward a Vermont Honey Certification program. The latest grant will allow us to continue the Vermont Homey promotion campaigns with our own VBA people.

Andrew has spent many hundreds of volunteer hours on these initiatives on behalf of the VBA.



Recognition Committee member, Fred Putnam, presenting the Beekeeper of the Year plaque to Dr. Samantha Alger (Sam to most of us.)

Beekeeper of the Year

Dr. Samantha Alger, Founder and leader of the Vermont Bee Lab. Her leadership created and has grown the mission of the Vermont Bee Lab (VBL) that serves Vermont Beekeepers. Under her guidance, the VBL conducts cutting edge research that has the potential to have a major positive impact on honey bee colony hygienic behavior.

In one of her most far-reaching and impactful efforts, she has been the organizer and leader of the Vermont Pollinator Working Group (VPWG). This broad coalition of pollinator-friendly organizations was instrumental in passing H.706 and overriding the Governor’s veto of the bill. H.706 that will phase out neonicotinoid insecticides. Under her leadership, the VWPG remains vigilant on the H.706 rule-making process and for new threats to pollinators including honey bees.

Outstanding Efforts on Honey Bee Education

Farmer James Key receiving the special hive tool for his Outstanding Efforts on Beekeeper Education.We also recognized Farmer James Key in person. James was recognized at the 2024 VBA winter meeting for Outstanding Efforts on Honey Bee Education but could not be at that meeting. James has been free with his time to speak to school and other public groups about honey bees. He has represented the VBA at special events. He loves to talk about bees! Thank you, Farmer James! (We love the hat!)

Certificate of Appreciation

Pres Battaglini also presented the outgoing Director, Laura Johnson, with a Certificate of Appreciation for her work on the VBA Board of Directors and Committees during the past several years. LauOutgoing Director Laura Johnson presented with a Certificate of Appreciation from VBA President, Jeff Battaglini.ra was noted for her insightful thinking. We will miss her on the Board.



The VBA Recognition Committee members are Anne Bowers, Franklin County; Jeff Cunningham, Windham County; Jeffrey Hamelman, Windsor County; Peggy Apple-Woods, Bennington County; and Fred Putnam, Jr., Rutland/Addison County.
