
  Tuesday, July 30, 2024
  1 Replies
  746 Visits
This is my first year as a beekeeper and I am looking for help with extraction of Layen frames. I have two Layen 20 frame hives that have built out all frames with comb on foundationless frames. These are filling fast with honey and I expect to have 12 to 16 frames possibly more that will need to be extracted. I have already pulled three and extracted them by crush and strain and recovered 21# of spring honey.
I would like to save the comb for use next year so they do not need to build all new comb. Is there anyone in the greater Burlington Vt area who could help me with extraction of Layen frames?
In the spring I would like to expand the number of hives I have and plan on purchasing a extractor for next season.
Thank you for any help you can provide.
6 months ago
Hi, I am not familiar with Layens hives. I do have a manual extractor that may work with the frames. If you are interested please e-mail directly phadeka@gmail.com. I need to know the deminsions of the frames. Why did you not use standard Langstroth equipment ??? Just curious ? Peter
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