
Honey Bee Nectar and Pollen Plants of Vermont - Includes Sources for Propolis (See sources for this data below.)    

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The information in this table can be helpful to homeowners, landowners, land managers, and consultants who wish to plant or retain species helpful to honey bees and other pollinators. The list focuses mostly on native and a few agricultural species (with a few exceptions) and not ornamental species, some of which may also be helpful to pollinators.
Nectar and pollen are food resources for honey bees and other pollinators. Nectar contains natural sugars used as their energy source. Pollen is the protein source needed to raise new pollinator babies (brood.) In addition, honey bees require certain plant bud resins that they process into a sealant used to seal cracks and holes in their hives (much like we use silicone caulk as a sealant.) Aspen and Cottonwood trees (Populous spp.) are primary sources of bud resins that honey bees gather to make propolis. The plants listed in the table below provide these three necessary resources.
It’s helpful to create or maintain a habitat with plant species that bloom from Spring through Fall to provide pollinator forage as consistently as possible throughout the growing season. Having abundant forage and propolis resources is critical to the health of honey bee colonies and other pollinators.
Early Spring species such as Red Maple, Sugar maple, sumac, and others are critical for species emerging from winter with food stores depleted. Spring and early summer species like dandelions, fruit trees, white clovers, alfalfas, locusts, and Basswood (Linden) give a boost to colonies that are expanding to their summer peak numbers which have a strong influence on a colony being large enough to survive the winter.
During the late summer and Fall honey bees (and other pollinators) rely heavily upon species such as goldenrod, jJoe pie-weed, asters, and others to build up stores that will be needed for their survival through the 6-to-7-month long period in Vermont (October to April) when foraging is limited or not possible due to lack of forage after the first frost or because it’s too cold for them to fly.
To help honey bees and other pollinators, vegetation management guidelines should strive to retain, add, or emphasize species that are important to them. Such guidelines include:
  • When logging or other vegetation management is planned, retain a variety of tree species used by pollinators.
  • Defer mowing lawns and fields when species like dandelions, white clover, and goldenrod are blooming.
  • Plant or retain a variety of native pollinator-friendly species that bloom throughout the growing season.
  • And, of course, avoid using products containing pesticides since even sublethal exposure to pesticides can make the difference between a colony surviving through the winter or expiring. The pollinators thank you for your help!    
 Honey Bee Nectar and Pollen Plants of Vermont - Includes Sources for Propolis
Common Name Scientific Name Value Plant Type Usually Blooms Occurance** Sugar Conc. Of Nectar  
            Min. Max. Avg.
Alfalfa Medicago sativa Nectar Perennial June G/C 27.0 44.6 32.7
Alsike clover Trifolium hybridium Nectar & Pollen Perennial June G/C 26.5 48.0 40.5
American aspen Populus tremuloides Pollen Tree April N      
American elm Ulmus americana Pollen Tree April N      
Andromeda-fetter bush Xolisma lucida Nectar & Pollen Evergreen Shrub April N      
Apple Pyrus malus Pollen & Nectar Tree May G/C 41.0 57.7 50.6
Ash Fraxinus spp. Pollen Hardy Tree April N      
Asparagus Asparagus officinalis Nectar & Pollen Perennial June G/C      
Aspen (Bigtooth, poplar) Populus grandidentata Resin for propolis Tree   N      
Aspen (Quaking, poplar) Populus tremuloides Resin for propolis Tree   N      
Aster Aster acuminatus Nectar & Pollen Herbaceous Perennial July N 31.0 46.0 37.3
Aster Aster novea angliae Nectar & Pollen Herbaceous Perennial July N 26.0 35.0 31.6
Aster Aster prealtus Nectar & Pollen Herbaceous Perennial July N 21.0 36.0 30.0
Aster Aster viminius Nectar & Pollen Herbaceous Perennial July N 51.3 55.5 53.6
Bachelor's button Centaurea cyanus Nectar Herbaceous Perennial August G/C      
Barberry Berberis vulgaris Nectar & Pollen Shrub May E      
Basswood Tilia americana Nectar & Pollen Tree July N 28.2 42.0 36.4
Beach plum Prunus maritima Nectar & Pollen Shrub May N      
Bee balm, Bergamot, Oswego Tea (mint family - Lamiaceae) Monarda punctata, fistulosa, and didyma Nectar & Pollen Herbacious Perennial July G/C      
Beech (American) Fagus grandifolia Pollen Tree April N      
Birch Betula spp. Pollen Tree April N      
Bittersweet Calastrus officinalis Nectar & Pollen Vine June N 33.0 44.5 36.7
Black alder Ilex verticillata Nectar & Pollen Shrub May N      
Black locust Robinia pseudo-acacia Nectar & Pollen Tree June N 36.2 49.6 46.3
Blackberry Rubus spp. Nectar & Pollen Shrub June N      
Black cherry (wild) Prunas serotina Nectar & Pollen Tree or Shrub May N      
Blackhaw Viburnum spp. Nectar & Pollen Hardy shrub April N      
Bloodroot Sanguinaria canadensis Pollen Herbaceous Perennial April N      
Blueberry (Highbush) Vaccinium corymbosm Nectar & Pollen Shrub May N 16.0 26.4 20.8
Blueberry (Lowbush) Vaccinium pennsylvanicum Nectar & Pollen Shrub May N      
Boneset Eupatorium perfoliatum Nectar & Pollen Herbaceous Perennial August N 21.0 28.0 21.3
Box Elder Acer negundo Pollen & Nectar Tree April E      
Buckwheat Fagopyrum esculentum Nectar Annual July G/C 37.6 48.5 42.5
Burdock Arctium minus Nectar & Pollen Biennial August E/I 20.0 34.0 30.1
Bur-mariold Bidens laevis Nectar Perennial August N      
Butterfly-bush Buddleia davidi Nectar Shrub July G/C      
Buttonbush Cephalanthus occidentalis Nectar & Pollen Shrub July N 32.1 41.0 36.9
California poppy Eschscholtzia californica Nectar & Pollen Annual July G/C      
Canada thistle Cirsium arvense Nectar Perennial July N      
Carrot Daucus carota Nectar & Pollen Biennial June N      
Cassandra Chamaedaphne calyculata Nectar & Pollen Shrub April N      
Catalpa Catalpa speciosa Nectar & Pollen Biennial June N      
Cherry Prunus avium cerasus Nectar & Pollen Tree May G/C 27.5 47.0 37.7
Cherry (sweet) Several Necatr and pollen Tree May/June G/C      
Chick weed Stellaria media Nectar Annual May E 36.4 50.6 44.2
Chick weed (Mouse eared) Cerastium spp. Nectar Biennial May E      
Choke cherry Prunus virginiana Nectar & Pollen Shrub or Small Bush May N 27.4 35.2 31.3
Clematis Clematis virginiana Nectar & Pollen Herbaceous Perennial July N      
Corn Zea mays Pollen Annual July G/C      
Cottonwood (eastern) Populus deltoides Resin for propolis Tree   N      
Cranberry Vaccinium macrocarpon Pollen & Nectar Vine June N      
Cranberry Var. howes Pollen & Nectar Vine June N 46.5 58.0 50.2
Cranberry Var. early black Pollen & Nectar Vine June N 40.0 62.0 54.7
Cranberry Var. MacFarlin Pollen & Nectar Vine June N 38.0 53.0 45.7
Crocus Crocus Pollen Bulb March G/C      
Cucumber Cucumis sativa Nectar & Pollen Annual July G/C      
Cup Plant Silphium perfoliatum Nectar & Pollen Perennial July-Aug N      
Current Ribes spp. Nectar & Pollen Shrub May N      
Dandelion Taraxacum officinale Nectar & Pollen Herbaceous Perennial April N 16.0 61.0 40.9
Deutzia Deutzia lemoinei Nectar & Pollen Shrub April G/C 10.0 57.5 40.3
Devil's paintbrush/Hawkweed Hieracium aurantiacum and pratense Nectar Perennial June E 17.2 33.4 24.6
Dogbane (spreading) Apocynum sativa Nectar & Pollen Perennial July N 24.0 28.0 26.2
Dogwood Cornus spp. Nectar & Pollen Small Tree May N      
Dwarf sumac Rhus copallina Nectar & Pollen Shrub July N      
Elder Sambucus canadensis Pollen Shrub June N      
English Ivy Hebera helix Nectar Vine July G/C 17.0 30.0 26.2
European linden Tilia europea Nectar & Pollen Tree June G/C 54.0 58.0 56.1
False-chamomile Boltonia asteroides Nectar & Pollen Perennial September N      
Figwort, Simpson's honey plant Scrophularia spp. Nectar Herbaceous Perennial   N, G/C      
Fireweed Epilobium angustifolium Nectar & Pollen Perennial July N 28.6 48.5 38.2
Flowering dogwood Cornus florida Nectar & Pollen Tree May N      
Fox Grape Vitis labrusca Pollen Vine June N      
Gill - Over-the-ground Nepeta hederacea Nectar & Pollen Herbaceous April E      
Goldenglow, Cutleaf coneflower Rudbeckia laciniata Pollen & Nectar Perennial August N      
Golden-rain Tree Koelreuteria paniculata Nectar & Pollen Tree July G/C      
Goldenrod general Solidago spp. (many species) Nectar & Pollen Herbaceous Perennial July-Sept N      
Goldenrod (lance-leaved) Solidago graminifolia Nectar & Pollen Herbaceous Perennial July N 22.0 40.0 29.8
Goldenrod (rough-stemmed) Solidago rugosa Nectar & Pollen Herbaceous Perennial July N 27.0 48.0 37.9
Goldenrod (showy) Solidago speciosa Nectar & Pollen Herbaceous Perennial July N 26.0 29.0 27.0
Hardhack Spiraea tomentosa Nectar Shrub July N      
Hazelnut Corylus americana Pollen Shrub April N      
Heart's Ease Polygonum persicaria Nectar Perennial August N 39.6 50.0 43.7
Highbush cranberry, Arrowwood Viburnum trilobum spp. Nectar Shrub May N      
Hobblebush Viburnum alnifolium Nectar & Pollen Shrub May G/C      
Hollyhock Althaea rosea Nectar & Pollen Annual June G/C      
Honeysuckle Lonicera tatarica Nectar Vine or Shrub May G/C 30.5 48.0 35.9
Horsechestnut Aesculus hippocastanum Pollen & Nectar Tree May N 43.8 52.0 47.2
Huckleberry Gaylussacia frondosa Pollen & Nectar Shrub May N      
Japanese barberry Berberis thunbergii Pollen & Nectar Shrub May G/C 18.0 47.0 33.9
Japanese flowering crab Malus floribunda Pollen & Nectar Shrub May G/C      
Japanese knotweed [aka American bamboo] Polygonum cuspidatum Nectar Perennial September E/I 28.5 35.5 31.9
Japanese witch hazel Hammamelis japonica Pollen & Nectar Shrub March G/C      
Jersey-tea Ceanothus americanus Nectar & Pollen Shrub July N      
Jewelweed Impatiens biflora Nectar Annual July N 21.0 28.0 21.3
Joe-Pye weed, Gravel root Eupatorium purpureum, reclassified as genus Eutrochium Nectar & Pollen Herbaceous Perennial August N 27.5 39.0 33.3
Lavender Lavandula vera Nectar Perennial June G/C      
Lilac Syringa spp. Pollen & Nectar Shrub May G/C      
Lupine Lupinus spp. Pollen Annual or Perennial June G/C      
Magnolia Magnolia virginiana Nectar & Pollen Tree June N      
Marjoram Origanum Nectar & Pollen Perennial July E/I     29.6
Marsh Marigold, Cowslip Calthe palustris Pollen Annual April N      
Meadowsweet Spiraea latifolia Nectar Shrub July N 19.0 26.5 23.3
Mignonette Reseda odorata Nectar Annual June G/C      
Milkweed Asclepias spp. Nectar & Pollen Perennial July N 20.0 32.0 25.6
Mints Labiatae (many species)     June        
Mustard Brassica nigra Nectar Biennial May E 41.2 55.7 48.6
Narcissus Narcissus Nectar & Pollen Bulb April G/C      
Norway maple Acer platanoides Nectar & Pollen Tree May G/C      
Onion Allium cepa Nectar Biennial July G/C      
Pear Pyrus communis Nectar & Pollen Tree May G/C 11.0 30.2 20.1
Plums Prunus spp. Nectar & Pollen Tree May G/C      
Poppy Papaver spp. Pollen Annual & Perennial May G/C      
Privet Ligustrum vulgare Nectar & Pollen Shrub June G/C 18.0 31.0 23.5
Purple loosestrife Lythrum salicaria Nectar & Pollen Perennial July N 28.3 38.4 34.6
Purple vervain Verbena hastata Nectar & Pollen Herbaceous Perennial July N      
Ragweed Ambrosia aremisiifolia Pollen Annual August N      
Raspberry Rubus spp. Nectar & Pollen Shrub May N & G/C 26.0 34.4 30.7
Red maple Acer rubrum Pollen & Nectar Tree April N 37.4 44.3 41.1
Red Oak Quercus rubra Pollen Tree May N      
Rhubarb Rheum Nectar & Pollen Perennial June-July N      
Rock-rose Helianthemum canadense Pollen Annual July G/C      
Rose Rosa spp. Pollen ClimbinG/C Shrub June G/C & N      
Sage Salvia officinalis Nectar Annual June G/C      
Shadbush/Serviceberry/Smooth Juneberry Amelanchier spp. Nectar & Pollen Shrub or Tree April/May N      
Siberian crab Pyrus baccata Nectar Tree May G/C      
Silver maple Acer dasycarpum Nectar & Pollen Tree April G/C      
Skunk cabbage Symplocarpus foetidus Pollen Herbacceous Perennial March N      
Smooth sumac Rhus glabra Nectar & Pollen Shrub July N 42.0 58.5 48.5
Snowberry Symphoricarpos albus Nectar & Pollen Shrub June N      
Sour gum Nyssa sylvatica Nectar & Pollen Tree May N      
Spicebush Benzoin aestivale Nectar & Pollen Shrub April N      
Staghorn sumac Rhus typhina Nectar & Pollen Shrub June N 37.0 53.5 46.8
Strawberry Fraggaria virginiana Nectar & Pollen Perennial May N 26.4 36.0 30.2
Sugar Maple Acer saccharum Pollen & Nectar Tree May N      
Swamp loosestrife Decodon verticillatus Nectar & Pollen Perennial July N      
Sweet mockorange Philadelphus coronarius Pollen & Nectar Shrub June G/C      
Sweet pepperbush, Clethra Clethra alnifolia Nectar & Pollen Shrub July N 19.5 34.0 26.2
Tag alder or Speckled alder Alnus incana Pollen Bulb April N      
Thyme Thymus serpyllum Nectar Herbaceous Perennial July E/I 38.0 47.5 43.2
Trillium Trillium grandiflorum Pollen Herbaceous Perennial May-July N      
Tulip Tulipa Pollen Bulb April G/C      
Tulip tree Liriodendron tulipifera Nectar & Pollen Shrub/Tree June G/C      
Vetch Vicia cracca Nectar & Pollen Perennial June E 31.0 52.0 42.3
Viper's eugloss, Blue thistle Echium vulgare Nectar & Pollen Biennial June E 37.0 49.2 42.2
Virginia creeper Parthenocissus quinquefolia Pollen & Nectar Vine August N      
Weigelia Weigelia rosea Pollen & Nectar Shrub May G/C      
White clover Trifolium repens Nectar & Pollen Biennial June N 27.0 56.0 39.7
White snakeroot Ageratina altissima (reclassified from Eupatorium rugosum) Nectar Herbaceous Perennial August-Frost N      
White sweet clover Melilotus alba Nectar & Pollen Biennial or Annual June G/C 34.0 48.0 40.2
Wild cucumber Echinocystis lobata Nectar & Pollen Annual July N      
Willows - many species Salix spp. Pollen & Nectar Small Shrub to Trees April N 37.0 46.1 44.2
Winged euonmus Euonmus alata Nectar & Pollen Shrub May G/C 31.4 41.0 35.8
Winter squash Cucurbita maxima Nectar & Pollen Annual July G/C 18.0 38.0 29.7
Witch hazel Hamamelis virginiana Pollen Shrub October N      
Yellow rocket Barbarea vulgaris Nectar Biennial May E 32.4 40.1 37.6
Yellow sweet clover Melilotys officinalis Nectar & Pollen   June G/C 38.0 58.4 51.7
*A note of explanation on the flowering dates indicated. These indicate the approximate blooming periods as observed in the valley regions of Vermont. Of course, some plants may bloom more than once and others may have a period of bloom extended over a month or more. Thus, some asters and Goldenrod may bloom from July - October. The dates indicated may vary from 7 - 14 days according to the region of the state and also the season.        
** Occurance: N = Native, G/C = Garden or Cultivated, E/I = Escaped/Invasive (a plant which has been introduced to the area but which is now growing wild)        
Original data from Special Circular #27, Revised F.R. Shaw, Department of Entomology, University of Massachusetts, 2-2-56.        
Updated and localized to Vermont by Vermont Beekeepers Association members Jeff Cunningham and Fred Putnam, Jr. - 2022