
Honeybee Providers

Below are providers of nucs, package bees and queens available in our area. Listing does not indicate endorsement by VBA and is provided as a courtesy to our members and site visitors.

To use the list, select the name you'd like to learn about and select the icons on the right. There are two - one expands the listing detail and the other allows you to download a pdf of the listing. You may also download any portion of the list as a CSV file. (VBA Members: You can be listed by updating your profile online. Login required.)

Contact Name Business Name City State Nucs Packages Queens  
Sheri Englert Vermont Bee Supply Williamsgtown VT No Yes Yes
Joshua Davis Birdseye Bee’s & Poultry, LLC Brandon VT Yes No Yes
Fred Putnam, Jr. Country Blossoms Honey Brandon VT Yes No No
Glenn Card Merrimack Valley Apiaries, Inc. Williston VT Yes No Yes
Aiden Merriam West Meadow Apiary Braintree VT Yes Yes Yes
Ashley Howe However Wild Apiary Shaftsbury VT Yes No Yes
Troy Hall Hall Apiaries Plainfield NH Yes Yes Yes
Paul Yanus Mt.Creek Apiary Underhill VT Yes No Yes
Andrew Munkres Lemon Fair Honeyworks Cornwall VT Yes No Yes
Jeff T. Cunningham HoneyHunter Apiary and Farm Putney VT No Yes Yes
Michael Palmer French Hill Apiaries St. Albans VT Yes No Yes
Ross Conrad Dancing Bee Gardens Middlebury VT Yes No No
Betterbee Betterbee Greenwich NY Yes Yes Yes