
Beekeeping in Vermont

In keeping with its strong commitment to educating Vermont beekeepers, the Vermont Beekeepers Association (VBA) announces a new series of Zoom webinars designed specifically for people considering becoming beekeepers as well as those who are just starting out on their beekeeping journey. These webinars will be hosted by experienced VBA members who faced the same questions and challenges that all beekeepers have in their first two years. All presenters will be Vermont beekeepers who have their own apiaries and stay informed of the latest beekeeping best practices. With years of knowledge and experience under their belts, they are eager to share the lessons learned and make the new Vermont beekeeper’s journey a smoother one.

Four sessions are planned for 2024. Each will be approximately 90 minutes long. As the season progresses, the Series will cover a variety of timely topics on getting started, maintaining the colonies, harvesting the honey, and taking the colonies through the winter to the next season. The presentations will be tailored to provide information specifically on the challenges and conditions that Vermont beekeepers face. Ample time will be provided for questions and discussion.

The first session, titled “New and Prospective Beekeeper Orientation Plus First Year Winter Hive Inspections” will be held on January 23 at 7:00 pm. This session will consist of two parts. The first will provide an overview of what it takes to get started in beekeeping. For new beekeepers who are overwintering hives for the first time, the second part will describe how to inspect hives during the winter and what to look for. Anyone interested in becoming a beekeeper, VBA member or not, is welcome to attend and can register here.

Future sessions will be held on April 4, August 1, and September 26. Additional information will be provided in advance of each session.
