
Tuesday, February 27, 2024 10:30 AM -  12:00 PM ET

Vermont State House,
Cedar Creek Room,
115 State St,
Montpelier, VT 05633

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VPIRG has been working with several beekeeping groups to organize this lobbying event and appreciates all the beekeepers’ interest in attending the Swarm the Statehouse event to help advance the H. 706 anti-neonicotinoids bill. We hope that all the attention will push it successfully out of committee and to the Senate. More information about the Protect Our Pollinators Coalition can be found here. Optional registration may be found here.

If attending, make your way to the Cedar Creek Room by 10:30 AM. A press conference will then start promptly at 11:00. The Cedar Creek Room is 2nd floor, room F on this map. (Please get back to Anna Suberling, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. with a few sentences for their press release offering support of H.706 and/or concern for pollinator decline.)

"This is a great chance for all those who are concerned about pollinators and the overuse of toxic neonic pesticides in Vermont to "swarm" the State House and make their voices heard. It's time to create some positive buzz around H.706, which is the bill to phaseout the use of 80-90% of all neonics in the state. The bill could get a vote in the key House Committee on Agriculture, Forestry, and Food Services very soon. So, now's the time to talk with your Reps and tell them why you care about bees, birds, and other pollinators!" 
